
Hello readers and fellow bloggers, I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts and yours through this medium.  I’m a mother of four and a Vietnam widow. I started this journey at 17 pregnant, with a high school education.  At 24 I was widowed with a 6,4 and 2 year old.  I’ve overcome the challenges of single parenting, going back to school, getting a degree BA and two Masters degrees and fighting the discrimination against women in the workplace in the 70’s.  I’ve had a lifetime of blessings and loss and want to work on making this world and my community the best it can be.  I’m a published author in the book, Mothers of Angels. I welcome your comments and hope you will share your thoughts.  Please let me hear from you.

Ciao and happy reading and writing!


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2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hello, lovely one,

    I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award . . .

    Versatile Blogger Award


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